Invisible Labour is a digital-born performance series happening all over the world, right now. The performance began with a few invited participants, however quickly developed into an ongoing game amongst our followers. To date we have submissions from Sydney, Helsinki, Basel, Glasgow, New York, Barcelona, Milan, Toronto, Manchester, London, Boston and Lyon to name but a few.
Time. Money. Plastic. Labour. Fuel. Energy. As the performance’s name alludes to, the work operates as a playful invitation to consider the array of (unseen) human and natural resources required to produce even the ‘simplest’ and most ‘natural’ of items on quick-service food (QSF) menus. The unexpected absurdity of the participant’s purchases (both individually and collectively) exposes a moment of fractured clarity; space to consider how and why QSF chains are investing so significantly in (their apparently new found care for) the health of their patrons and the planet. The range of locations and nationalities featured aims to underline both the scale and ubiquity of the global food system as it pertains to fast food production infrastructures.
If you would like to contribute to the performance, all you have to do is visit a QSF outlet drive-thru and order a single bag/item of fruit. Film yourself doing it on your phone and send the footage to